Better Prepared to Meet Life's Challenges
Change is hard.
At WGA, our supportive staff understand this. We help youth through their self-discovery journey and to identify what motivates them and what stands in their way to becoming their best self. Youth who are focused on meeting their individual goals while in program can expect to experience gains in some or all of the following areas:
- self-awareness
- coping skills
- relationships
- conflict resolution
- sense of connection
- self esteem
- life skills
- planning skills
- emotional regulation/balance
Once youth have completed their residential program, they are further supported with 6 months of family-based aftercare.
Aftercare support is provided by our Regional Family Service Coordinators located throughout every region in Upstate New York.
Most youth transition into the community to a lower level of care or to be reunited with their family.
In keeping with our Care First motto, WGA is committed to providing support during this most critical period of transition, when youth may need to draw on their new found coping skills to avoid external triggers or regression to self-destructive behaviors. Support includes helping youth and families identify and access critical services to help maintain the gains made through the treatment process.

In Their Own Words
A Living-Learning Environment

An Alumna Perspective: Karen’s Story
Karen came to WGA at the age of 13 after chronic school truancy caught the eye of child protective services. She pretty much did what

A Place of Opportunity, No Shortcuts
“Take hold of your life. There are no short cuts. Every person in their lifetime gets an opportunity, and you have to be alert to